Topies in golden light. by Tessa Schack

Sunsets in Africa are amazingly beautiful . Two topies were on the horizon silhouetted against the orange and yellow sky. Topics are medium-sized antelopes with a striking reddish-brown to purplish-red coat.

So relaxed by Tessa Schack

Tanzania . At the end of the day I spotted this leopard high up in a tree looking so relaxed and in a beautiful soft light.

Young Himba girl by Tessa Schack

The Himba are noted for their red matted braids, which are made by mixing animal fat, ash and ground ochre, a stone which is found locally. They are Herero-speaking semi-nomadic pastoralists living in north-western Namibia and south-western Angola.

Carmine bee-eaters. by Tessa Schack

A carmine bee-eater has a long pointed tail, black bill and black facial mask. They catch large flying insects, including dragonflies, butterflies and locusts. Breed colonially by burrowing into sandbanks.

Playful wild dogs by Tessa Schack

The African wild dog, also known as painted dog or Cape hunting dog is a wild canine and is a native species to Saharan Africa. They have a colourful, patchy coat, large bat-like ears and a bushy tail with a white tip that may serve as a flag to keep the pack in contact hunting.

Himba lady. by Tessa Schack

I photographed the Himba tribe in Serra Cafema in Namibia and was fascinated by their culture which is very interesting. Otjize is a mixture of butterfat and ochre pigment used by the Himba to protect themselves from the harsh desert climate. They adorn themselves with handmade jewellery and use mud to style their hair.

Sunrise over Sossusvlei by Tessa Schack

Magical moment air ballooning at sunrise over the Namibian desert in Sossusvlei. The sunrise colouring the

dunes and mountains in different shades absolutely breathtaking.

Reflected eyes by Tessa Schack

In the soft golden light this lioness was drinking from the waterhole with her beautiful yellow eyes reflected in the water. A magical moment.